Mario Pagliaro Appointed to the Editorial Board of ChemistrySelect

ChemistrySelect - The new multidisciplinary chemistry journal of ChemPubSocPalermo and Weinheim, 2-Dec-2015 - Italy's Research Council scientist Mario Pagliaro has recently been appointed to the Editorial Board of ChemistrySelect for a term of four years.

Led by Professor Didier Astruc, the Editorial Board includes several world-class emerging chemicstry researchers encompassing Babak Karimi, Thomas Baumgartner and Raed Abu-Reziq.

ChemPubSoc Europe, an organization of 16 continental European chemical societies, publishes in collaboration with Wiley-VCH a family of prestigious journals offering researchers around the world several peer-reviewed society-owned journals in which to publish their work.

ChemistrySelect complements the existing portfolio of ChemPubSoc Europe multidisciplinary chemistry journals, which includes Chemistry-A European Journal, ChemPlusChem and ChemistryOpen

Intended to cover all areas of chemistry, ChemistrySelect offers authors diverse scope and broad dissemination of their latest research (reviews, full papers and communications). Manuscripts submitted to ChemistrySelect are evaluated by researchers active in the appropriate field for their scientific quality and to ensure they add meaningfully to the scientific literature. Articles accepted for publication are processed in an expedited production workflow to ensure rapid dissemination to the scientific community.

Dr Pagliaro leads in Sicily a research Group which is today one of Europe's primary research centres in the field of nano- and sustainable chemistry.

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