New York,
- Invited in light of his "prominent achievements in chemistry", Mario
Pagliaro has been appointed today member of the
Editorial Board of
General Chemistry.
Edited jointly by Dr Ruihua
Guo, and Professor Sandeep Kumar, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore,
General Chemistry is
open access international
peer-reviewed journal
without charge
and covers entire chemistry from synthesis to catalysis and materials.
It is published quarterly in English in the form of Accounts, Reviews,
Minireviews, and Original Reports. This journal aims at promoting
academic communication and disseminating novel discoveries in
international community of chemistry more efficiently.
Mario Pagliaro is a chemistry and
energy scholar based at
Italy's Research Council where he leads a research Group whose work is
developed in
co-operation with leading researchers based in 20 countries, including
Israel, China, Portugal and Canada. He has worked and studied in Italy,
the Netherlands, Israel, France, Germany and Quebec. His Group's
research achievements, include over 200 research paper and
21 books.