PhD student jointly mentored with Professor Babak Karimi

Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan, Iran,16-Dec-2017 - Mina Ghahremani, a 5-year PhD student in organic chemistry at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Zanjan, Iran, in the Group of Professor Babak Karimi is approaching the end of her third year toward her doctorate. The PhD is jointly mentored by Mario Pagliaro at Italy's Research Council.

Concerning the design and preparation of novel electrocatalysts based on hydrophobic ordered mesoporous silica functionalized with nitroxyl radicals by EASA method and their application in organic synthesis, Mina's work has lately resulted in impressive outcomes that are undergoing publication in the international scientific literature.

Together, the team has already published an highly read account on electrochemical alcohol oxidation mediated by nitroxyl tadicals.

Full Professor in organic chemistry at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences since 2006, and member of the Iranian Academy of Science since 2014, Babak Karimi is an eminent chemistry scholar renown for his achievements in catalysis and materials chemistry. His current research interests include new types of supported catalysts based on nanoporous inorganic solids and polymers, as well as the development of novel synthetic methodologies.

Founded in 1991, the IASBS was established with the aim is to educate advanced young scholars through high-level teaching of basic sciences and fundamental and applied research. The Institute operates both master and doctoral degree programs, while endeavors to engage in scientific, technical, and cultural cooperation with other educational institutions and industry.

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