PhD External Examiner at the University of Liverpool

Edgar Gonzalez Yanez and Alexander Cowan during the viva voce PhD examination of Edgar Gonzalez Yanez. Mario Pagliaro was the External Examiner26-Jun-2019 - The viva voce examination of Edgar Osiris Gonzalez Yanez for the degree of Doctor in Philosophy (PhD) from University of Liverpool Doctoral College Manager was held today between 10.30 and 12.15, GMT.

Following April's appointment from University of Liverpool Doctoral College Manager Mario Pagliaro acted as the External Examiner. Alexander Cowan, was the Internal Examiner.

Entitled "Supported Metal Nanoparticles for The Selective Transformation Of Bio-derived Molecules By Thermal Catalysis and Photocatalysis", the Thesis for the degree of Doctor in Philosophy is the outcome of three-year work carried out under the mentorship of Professor Tony Lopez-Sanchez, the Director of the MicroBioRefinery in the Chemistry Department and academic leader in Sustainability in the new Materials Innovation Factory.

The examination committee includes an Internal Examiner (but not the supervisor). The viva voce is normally held within three months of submission of the Thesis.

Research at Liverpool's MicroBioRefinery is dedicated to catalysis for sustainability with a strong focus in biomass and carbon dioxide transformations via chemo, bio- and photocatalysis.

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