Matteo Formenti starts his PhD in Milan

Matteo Formenti, PhD student13-Mar-2023 - Mentored by Professor Della Pina, Matteo Formenti has started his PhD in industrial chemistry at the University of Milan, Italy.

Working at a research project entitled "Unveiling the double face of metal-based catalysis: promoter for the C-C cross coupling reactions and enhancer for the degradation of stone materials by outdoor pollution", the doctorate is jointly mentored by Dr Pagliaro.

"Matteo is a bright and hard working student" commented Mario Pagliaro learning the news, "we are confident his will be a rewarding and fruitful doctorate".

Carried out at Milano's University Department of Chemistry, the doctorate (part of Italy's 38th doctorate "cycle") will last three years and will involve a period of work and study at a leading University abroad.

A leading scholar in green chemistry since long awarded scientific habilitation to Full Professor of general and inorganic chemistry, Cristina Della Pina carries out cross-disciplinary research in a broad field including polyanailines, gold catalysis, and the biorefinery.

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