- Dr Pagliaro has delivered his review of a
research project in nanoscale science and technology submitted to the
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
The DAAD is a publicly-funded independent organization of higher
education institutions in Germany. Each year DAAD provides information
financial support to over
67,000 highly-qualified students and faculty for international research
and study.
Co-financed by the
Marie Curie
Programme of the European Union (FP7/COFUND), the programme
P.R.I.M.E. (
Postdoctoral Researchers International
Mobility Experience) aimed to outstanding postdoctoral
researchers from all disciplines and nationalities provides funding in
the form of salaries for a total funding period of 18 months, of which
the first 12 months have to be spent abroad at a foreign university or
research institution and the following 6 months (re-integration phase)
at a German university.
Mario Pagliaro is a chemistry and
energy scholar based at Italy's CNR where he leads a research Group
whose work is developed in co-operation with leading researchers based
in 20 countries. His achievements are reflected in over 160 frequently
cited research papers, twenty books, and several book chapters.
DAAD has asked Dr Pagliaro's assistance in light of professional
reputation and contribution to the scientific discipline addressed by
the proposed topic.
So far, Dr Pagliaro has reviewed important research projects for
France's Research Agency, the
Pazi Foundation, the
Royal Society,
Estonian Research Council,
Israel Science Foundation the
US-Israel Binational Science Foundation
ACS Petroleum Research Fund.