Reviewer for Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)

Mario Pagliaro reviewer for Research Foundation - FlandersPalermo, 8-Feb-2017 - Mario Pagliaro has delivered today the evaluation report of a postdoctoral research project in materials science submitted to the Research Foundation - Flanders.

The Research Foundation – Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, FWO) is an independent funding agency that supports fundamental scientific and strategic basic research in all disciplines in Flanders (Belgium).

Its mission is to stimulate and support groundbreaking research in all areas of science at Flemish universities, possibly in collaboration with other research institutes.

FWO funds excellent and promising researchers as well as research projects on the basis of an interuniversity competition and an evaluation by national and international experts. The most important criterion is the scientific quality of the researcher and the research proposal.

The review report of Dr Pagliaro will now provide FWO expert panels with standardized advice and information, which will assist them in the task of ranking the applications in order of priority.

"Having another prestigious institution asking our advice from a country which hosts scientific institutions ranked amongst the world's best -- says Dr Pagliaro -- further enhances the recnognition of research carried out in Sicily by our Group".

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