Reviewer for Poland National Science Centre

Poland National Science Centre26-Sept-2016 - Dr Pagliaro has delivered today his review of a research project in physical and engineering sciences submitted to the Polish National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki, NCN).

The National Science Centre is an executive government Agency of Poland's Government which supports basic research by funding research projects carried out by individual researchers and research teams, both on the domestic and international level, as well as doctoral fellowships and post-doctoral internships. NCN announces calls for proposals four times a year. The NCN grantee must be employed at a Polish host institution. Additional conditions applicable to each call are set forth by the Council of the NCN.

The proposal reviewed by Dr Pagliaro was submitted within the OPUS (general grants) funding schemes.

The NCN has asked Dr Pagliaro's assistance in light of professional reputation and contribution to the scientific discipline addressed by the proposed topic. Mario Pagliaro is a chemistry and energy scholar based at Italy's CNR where he leads a research Group whose work is developed in co-operation with leading researchers based in 20 countries. His achievements are reflected in over 170 frequently cited research papers, twenty books, and several book chapters.

So far, Dr Pagliaro has reviewed important research projects for France's Research Agency, the Pazi Foundation, the Royal Society, Estonian Research Council, German DAAD Service, Israel Science Foundation the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation and ACS Petroleum Research Fund.

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