«Hydrodynamic cavitation for
natural product extraction»
Widely pioneered by
Pagliaro's and
teams at Italy's Research Council, hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) applied to
natural product extraction from biological resources in 2020 has
been termed by Pagliaro as "
enabling technology of the bioeconomy".
What are the main technical and
economic advantages of this natural product extraction route?
Is it realistic to assume that
incumbent companies of the huge natural product market will shortly adopt
cavitation technology? Or will it be used solely by new entrants in
the natural product market?
Showing how in the last five years (2017-22)
HC applied to extract bioproducts from biological resources has actually
opened the route to unforeseen, and most promising, developments that
concern also today’s
science and technology, in his lecture, Dr Pagliaro will answer
these and closely related questions.
To learn more